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Myofascial training

Three weeks ago I took a Myofascial seminar with Pamela West from Philadelphia. She is a founding member of the Fascia Research Society. Her background is in Structural Integration. It was a great seminar, putting more confidence in my past studies with ROLFERS and Structural Integrators I studied one on one with back in Denver. We went over fascial holds and understanding how to work with fascia without getting "kicked out" of the body. It honestly was similar work to which I already did, but I never took a myofascial seminar at that point, only going with what I was taught by my teachers and peers. One of the Rolfers I used to trade bodywork told me I worked like a Rolfer.

I am very happy to have the seminar under my belt, but I still have so much more to learn about the body. I am 14 years into my trainings, and I am still just as excited as I was starting out my studies to take more classes from brilliant instructors. Massage and different forms of bodywork and soft tissue manipulation fascinate me to much.


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